
Supporting Policies for Ocean Energy


On the instigation of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, the environment and subjects related to sustainable development are among the most important political priorities in the State of Monaco, on both a national and international level. The actions of the Princely Government take into account the topics of biodiversity, preservation & management of natural resources and the reduction of greenhouse gases and also a specific policy towards the establishment of a sustainable city.
The Principality of Monaco joined the OES in June 2013. This action was part of the Government targets for combating climate change and recognizing the relevance of international cooperation.
Monaco is a coastal country with 2,08 km² of area, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, with a coast length of 3829 m.
The Government pursues a sustainable development policy aimed at achieving full compliance with the Principality’s undertakings.
According to the National Determined Contribution, in line with the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, Monaco is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to the reference date of 1990 and to achieving carbon neutrality in 2050.

Within the framework of the Climate and Energy Plan and the ratification of the Paris Agreement, a National Green Fund has been created and is financed by:
  • a contribution generated through the sale of electricity;
  • the Government budget. 
This fund is dedicated to finance actions in favour of the reduction of the GHG emissions and the energy efficiency and the development of renewable energies.

Furthermore, the Government holds 100% of the shares of a venture capital firm, known as “Société d’Aide à la Création et au Développement d’Entreprise” (SACDE), the aim of which is to support innovative Monegasque companies.


Consenting processes

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) policy exists in Monaco in what concerns to some protected or restricted marine areas.

It is implemented by the technical departments as the department of maritime affairs and the department of the environment, the marine police and one NGO, the Association Monegasque pour la Protection de la Nature.

Pre-selected areas for ocean energy have not been defined. Site selection is carried out by the Government according to the need or proposals.

The authorities involved in the consenting process are:

• Department of the Environment – checks if the project is compatible with the local environment;
• Department of Urban Amenities – manages the concessions (e.g. electricity, water);
• Department of Maritime Affairs – manages the MSP.

A proposal has to be sent to the Ministry of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development.

If the project could be of interest for the Principality of Monaco, a technical committee will be set up to analyze and implement the project. The duration of the process will depend on the project.

The specific authority responsible to manage the ocean energy consenting process as a whole is the Ministry of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required if the project can possibly affect the maritime traffic, restricted areas, marine protected areas and/or the environment in general.

The decision of conducting an EIA is taken by the Government through the Ministry of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development.

There is no legislation nor regulation for ocean energy.

Consultation is usually a legal requirement if there is any requirement for Public Funds.

This process should be carried out before the project implementation. The mandatory consultee is the Ministry of Public Works, the Environment and Urban Development.

There is no specific guidance available to help during the process, but the technical services can assist the applicant on the process.

The OES is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) but is functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the OES do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries.