Press release January 01, 1970

New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Dear Subscribers to OES newsletters & notifications services!


On May 25th new EU Data Protection Laws come into effect. On of the things included for us who sends out newsletters, event notifications etc. is to confirm that you want to continue receiving content from us.


This way we know that you actively asked to receive the newsletters and/or notification services (events etc). You can always unsubscribe with a single click, if you do not want to receive more from us; simply click the unsubscribe link in the newsletter and you are automatically removed.

In order to confirm that you want to continue to receive content from OES, please click the button below. If you do not click the button then you will automatically be removed from all lists here at OES.




Best regards
Ocean Energy Systems
Part of the IEA Energy Technology Network