Advanced concrete materials for floating wave energy converters
Date: September 18, 2018 at 11:13 GMT
[This poster won 2nd prize at the 2018 ICOE Poster Awards]
Reinforced concrete (RC) is well suited for the offshore environment, with good strength and stiffness properties at a low unit cost. However, there are a number of issues with using the material in its conventual form for floating structures.
Concrete is heavy, with minimum wall thicknesses driven by the practicality at fitting in internal steel rebar with adequate cover to ensure durability - can be an issue for floating structures;
Concrete cracks under tension - reduced permeability of cracked concrete can be an issue for reinforcement durability and watertightness. Additional prestressing is often required to keep structure in compression.
Dynamic, multi-axial force regimes result in complex internal reinforcement requirements; rebar is a high cost item for RC structures.
Complex shapes require complex formwork; also, a high cost item.