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Identifying Key O&M Strategy Considerations for a Wave Energy Array: A Case Study on Pelamis

Date: September 15, 2018 at 09:21 GMT

[This poster won 1st prize in the 2016 ICOE Poster Award]


Wave energy is a young, growing industry with huge potential. Operations and maintenance (O&M) is a vital area of research in the push to make wave farms a commercial reality. An EngD research project sponsored by Wave Energy Scotland (WES) seeks to address the issue of uncertainty surrounding lifetime costs of wave energy arrays using an O&M simulation tool. The tool has been built around the Pelamis P2 device (figure1). Between 2008 and 2014, the two Pelamis P2 machines gained over 11,000 grid connected hours at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney. This vast knowledge and experience can be used to analyse different O&M strategy considerations and reduce the levelized cost of energy of future wave energy arrays.

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