INTRODUCTION: The International Energy Agency (IEA) provides a framework for more then 40 international collaborative energy research, development and demonstration projects known as “Implementing Agreements” (IA). These Agreements are grouped in four branches Renewable Energies being one of them. The development of global strategies for accelerating the market penetration and implementation of renewable energies is the general goal of the IEA in this context. Experts from different countries work together sharing results aimed at contributing to the continued effort by the IEA to improve the competitiveness of Renewable Energies. The Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems (IEA-OES), which is completing its first 5-year term (2001-2006), has been active in the Ocean Energy field with activities focusing on ocean wave and marine current energy. A new strategic plan was recently submitted to the IEA as baseline for the process for extending the IEA-OES for a second 5-year term.
IAs can be cost-shared when Participants contribute to a common fund to finance the
work, task-shared when Participants assign specific resources and personnel to carry
out the work; or a combination of these two forms of arrangements. The IEA-OES, like
most IAs, uses a combination; while most of the work is task shared, the IEA-OES uses
cost-share arrangements for a common fund to provide secretariat and other services as
well as many of the information dissemination activities undertaken. The overall plan of
activities, formally termed the Work Programme, implemented under the IEA-OES is
determined by an Executive Committee (ExCo) made up of a member from each
signatory to the IA. Work programme activities are carried out by Participants through
“Annexes” (also called “Tasks”) to the Implementing Agreement, which are managed by
a designated “Operating Agent”.