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Performance of Muti-Arrayed Tidal Current Power Rotors

Date: October 08, 2013 at 22:19 GMT

Abstract: With strong currents in various regions in South Korea, several sizable tidal current projects are being planned and constructed. On the west coast where there is 10m tidal range, the feasibility study for a 200MW tidal current power farm has been launched in 2009.

To extract a significant quantity of power, a tidal current farm with a multiarrangement is necessary in the ocean. The rotor, which initially converts the energy, is a very important component because it affects the efficiency of the entire system.

The rotor performance is determined by various design parameters. The power generation is strongly dependent on the incoming flow velocity and the size of the rotor. However, the interactions between devices also contribute significantly to the energy production. The rotor performance considering the interaction needs to be investigated to predict the exact power in the farm. This paper introduces the performance of devices considering the interference between rotors with axial, transverse and diagonal arrangements. The serious of experiments and numerical output are included in the paper. 


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