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Support Offshore Floating Platforms

Date: October 07, 2013 at 22:35 GMT

Introduction: One of the big lessons the offshore aquaculture sector learned some years ago is the difficulty of managing a facility in the sea. When the maintenance tasks must be performed from working vessels the sea conditions difficult the number of days where basic activities can be done. This is why our company developed an offshore floating platform of 2.500 m2 and 50 x 50 m, that was moored within the cages polygon where management and maintenance tasks could be performed in a quiet environment.



Figure 1: Platform ready for launching. 

The platform consist of a structure with a surface of 50 x 50 m. where dwellings can be placed holding power generator, mechanical shop, personnel cabinets, cranes, telecommunications, surveillance equipment and a control rooms.



Figure 2: Platform at launching.

Now that the wave energy devices are becoming a reality, the day to day operations that will face the personnel in charge of the plants will not differ very much from those the aquaculture pioneers faced some years ago. For that reason we are proposing the marine power plant operators the same concept of a floating island as an offshore working base to service the generating devices........

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