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A consideration of the deployment of wave energy converters in Welsh waters based on resource and financial considerations

Date: November 07, 2013 at 10:48 GMT

This work discusses the potential for wave energy deployment in Welsh waters based on available resource and site specific economics. Firstly, a resource analysis for three commercially leading wave energy converters (Wave Dragon, Pelamis, AquaBuoy) based on measurements at two locations is presented. Comparison is made with the wave climate at the Wavehub site, Cornwall. There is little difference between resource in Wales and in Cornwall. Secondly, to better define potential deployment areas in Wales consideration has been given to location dependant economics of wave energy converter deployment in Wales. Site related considerations include depth dependant mooring costs, operation costs based on distance from port, cable costs and constraint related consenting costs. GIS based representation of cost shows that in general cost increases with distance from land, primarily due to cable costs, but that constraint associated cost and bathymetry also have effects. 

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