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The use of Doppler Sensor Arrays to Characterise Turbulence at Tidal Energy Sites

Date: November 05, 2013 at 15:10 GMT

Newly collected data from a mid channel height acquisition platform on a Tidal Turbine in the Falls of Warness, Orkney are analysed and discussed and the wider measurement campaign, of which they are part, is summarised. The acquisition platform array comprises three different types of Doppler sensor. The respective ability of each sensor to capture mean velocities, Turbulence Intensity (TI) and Integral Lengthscales are compared. Basic site characterisation in terms of the mean velocities show that Ebb and Flood tides exhibit different mean velocities and Depth Profiles. The three instruments show the Turbulence Intensity to range between 10% and 11% at 1m/s with significant increases in TI inversely with velocity (18% at 0.6m/s). The long range Continental sensor proves to be the only sensor with sufficient range to capture the streamwise Integral Lengthscale which is shown to correspond to approximately ¾ of the channel height (30-35m) at flow speeds above 1m/s for the flood tide data. 

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