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IEA publication Technology Collaboration Programmes: Highlights and outcomes

Posted 2016-05-30 in News

OES highlights are presented in the IEA publication Technology Collaboration Programmes: Highlights and outcomes available on the IEA home page:

This compendium book is a collection of the significant recent TCP activities and statistics of participation worldwide.

The breadth and coverage of analytical expertise in the IEA TCPs are unique assets that underpin IEA efforts to support innovation for energy security, economic growth and environmental protection. The 39 TCPs operating today involve about 6 000 experts from government, industry and research organisations in more than 50 countries. At a time when there are many calls for the promotion of collaborative research and development initiatives, and for enhanced access to finance for clean energy technology development and deployment, it is worth highlighting the “quiet success story” of the TCPs.

Given the important role of the Internet to enhance visibility of the TCPs, we are pleased to inform you that the section of the IEA website dedicated to the TCPs has also been updated and it can be accessed here:

The OES is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) but is functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the OES do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries.