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Ocean Energy Systems Workshop

Posted 2015-01-28 in News

Designing for Reliability of Wave and Current Marine Energy Converters, 05-06 February 2015, Lisbon, Portugal

On the 05th and 06th of February 2015 a 1,5 day workshop of OES will take place at the Electricity Museum in Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop host is WavEC Offshore Renewables.

The Workshop is intended to allow Marine Energy designers to exchange information and share knowledge on device analysis and design methods for assuring survivability, structural integrity, and fully operational power generation between scheduled maintenance events.

This workshop brings 20 experts from several countries to contribute and exchange data on reliability issues.

The workshop is one of a series of workshops organized within the work program of the Annex V—The Exchange and Assessment of Ocean Energy Device Project Information and Experience. The workshop is organized by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on behalf of the Department of Energy (DOE), U.S., operating agent of Annex V.

OES Annex V is seeking to promote, educate and accelerate the uptake of marine energy converters (MECs) through the exchange of valuable information and experience from completed and underway projects. As technology is developed in the MEC sector, an essential and necessary consideration for the design and cost-effective commercial operation is the reliability of the devices to operate for extended periods of time under harsh marine conditions. Reliability of the devices must be considered early in the design phase in order to significantly impact both the initial capitalization and the long life operation and maintenance costs, especially as it relates to the manpower required to ensure continuous and appreciable energy production over a wide range of environmental conditions.


The OES is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) but is functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the OES do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries.