
Supporting Policies for Ocean Energy


The 5th Strategic Energy Plan for Japan announced in 2018 has set a target of 22-24% renewable energy in the energy mix by 2030. The Government of Japan has put in place policies and funding initiatives to promote and grow the ocean energy sector in Japan. Notable is the Action Plan for Cooperation of Related Ministries and Agencies for Expanding the Introduction of Renewable Energy announced by the Japanese Government in 2017 and was followed by the Third Basic Plan on Ocean Policy announced in 2018 committing work towards establishing this new low-carbon energy resource. In Japan, whilst offshore wind has revenue support, ocean energy has yet to be established within a revenue support scheme such as a feed in tariff until the policy maker understand more about its potential from the demonstration activities being undertaken. The departments and agencies of the Government of Japan are managing a programme to support the development, demonstration, testing and environment assessment of ocean energy technologies. 

The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Demonstration of Ocean Energy Power Generation from 2018-2021 is supporting research and demonstration ocean energy power generation by providing grant funding. The project aims to achieve the commercialization of ocean energy power generation technology and implement long-term demonstration research in actual ocean areas. The aim of these efforts is to develop commercially viable ocean energy power generation technology by 2030. NEDO has also been preparing a new programme that will launch in 2021 supporting start-ups, small and medium enterprises to develop future new energy technologies. For large companies, new demonstration funding will also open up in 2021.

Ministry of the Environment (MOE) 

Practical Realization Project of Tidal Current Power Technologies is the flagship funding programme supporting a large scale tidal energy demonstration project. The successful project will deploy Japan's first large-scale (500 kW class) tidal generator at a test site off the coast of the Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture. The project aims to develop and demonstrate tidal current power generation that is suitable for the seas of ??Japan with high potential for widespread use whilst having minimal environmental impact. 

The MOE is also supporting a wave power demonstration project. The Hiratsuka wave power plant was selected in 2018 and the project was installed, grid connected and commissioned in 2020 for a one-year demonstration.

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