
Supporting Policies for Ocean Energy


The Netherlands has a national target of 16% renewables in 2023 and follows the EU targets for 2030. There is no specific target for ocean energy. The marine spatial planning is focused on offshore wind, special areas have been appointed for offshore wind (3500 MW).
The reconnaissance study conducted by TNO gave no reason to revise the innovation agenda for ocean energy. An additional study is now being started to address possible knowledge gaps.


The generic national subsidy scheme (SDE++, stimulating renewable energy) for 2022 is not yet open. In 2021, the subsidy for the ocean energy options varied from 0.0579 €/kWh to 0.1097 €/kWh, divided into 4 phases. The project probabilities in lower subsidized phases are higher. The maximum subsidy for renewables is limited to 300 €/ton avoided CO2. In general, subsidies decrease every year, due to the decreased costs of offshore wind, which is considered the benchmark. Other techniques are also experiencing a drop in price.


In addition to the feed-in tariff (OPEX subsidy) mentioned above, there are generic funding programmes (CAPEX subsidy) for all relevant types of renewable energy. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate initiated a number of grants via generic R&D instruments, these are also available for ocean energy research. These programmes have a tender system in which projects compete with each other, and have a general condition that a cost reduction must be achieved by innovation.

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