The paper details the capabilities of the newly developed TRDI 5-beam ADCP system deployed near the Wave Hub in the Bristol Channel, UK at nominal water depths of ~ 40 m. The ADCP's wave and current data are being accumulated to support resource assessment and future design of wave energy devices at the Wave Hub site off the North Cornwall coast, UK. Multidirectional waves, current modified wave steepness, and wave height, are all accurately captured in this deployment. Real-time measurement of these parameters may be relevant for adaptation of energy generation devices to complex wave climate. We show the effects of strong tidal currents on the wave climate and wave length. A Doppler shifted dispersion relationship is used to correctly determine wave number under these conditions. Data shows waves from different sources (directions) simultaneously propagating into a region of mean current. These wave spectra overlap in frequency substantially. The ADCP resolves the two separate directions and wave-number for each wave system. Time series and spectra from the 5th beam direct surface measurement independently validate the results.