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Review, Exchange and Dissemination of Information on Ocean Energy Systems

Start: 2000 | End: Permanent

The objective of this Task is to collate, review and facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information on the technical, economic, environmental and social aspects of ocean energy systems.

Access to this information should facilitate further development and adoption of cost-effective ocean energy systems. In addition, the results of this Task will facilitate identification of further Annexes, as well as continuing to promote information exchange.


This Task has in general the following activities:

1. Collection and exchange of Information: information shall be collected on the technical, economic, environmental and social characteristics of ocean energy systems by means of published and unpublished written materials, questionnaires and interviews. It includes:

a) Preparation of the Annual Report 

b) Preparation and management of other external publications (e.g. fact sheets, information sheets, posters, etc.)

c) Regular update of the Standard PowerPoint OES presentation

d) Preparation of a Newsletter issued each semester presenting most updated information exchanged by the delegates.

e) Dissemination in public events  

2. Online communication:

a) Management of OES website contents and new developments

b) Assistance to the implementation of the annual online report

c) Management of LinkedIn OES group 

d) Management of ICOE-conferences website  (repository of past conferences)

e) Monitor Internet traffic 

f) Preparation of Press Releases


The video on ocean energy prepared by the OES aims i) to promote ocean energy as a viable energy resource and educate decision makers as well as public about what ocean energy is and how it can contribute to a sustainable energy production, ii) to highlight recent developments, challenges faced by technologies deployed in the ocean and the need for adequate national policies to promote ocean energy, iii) to promote international collaboration. 



The Annual Report includes, each year, country reports provided by each member country on ocean energy policies, R&D and technology demonstration. This is intended as the flagship document for OES activities and a marker for industry development. Members ensure that the Annual Report reaches its target audience in the respective countries and its publication is accompanied by a worldwide media release.

All Annual Reports can be found at the OES Library.



The International Conference on Ocean Energy is the global marine energy event focused on the industrial development of renewable marine energy. Held every two years, the goal of the conference is to share recent experiences from research and demonstration efforts. Some OES delegates are part of the steering committee of the conference. Information available here .



The OES is the organizer of a “poster award” during the ICOE conference, a cash prize to 3 students selected by an international jury, composed by members of the OES. This award on behalf of the OES is intended to identify an early career individual expected to continue to make significant contributions in making industrial ocean energy a reality. Here you can find the awards of previous ICOE 2018.

Regular webinars are organised on specific topics and video records are available here.

IEA Ocean Energy Systems has a Linkedin page to share information on OES activities and to disseminate news.

The OES is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) but is functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the OES do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries.